On May 17, AVENIR INSTITUTE will deliver to the lecture steɪt əv nəʊlænd [State of Noland]: on potent futures post- sovereignty, nationalism & imperialism. The questions of futurity of state-after-state, principles of alternative self-governing and practical roadmap towards building political communities will be discussed. The directors of the Institute will present both theoretical framework of the research project and elements of its practical implementation, such as usage of blockchain technology.
On May 17−19, 2018 in the space of the Agency for Singular Investigations in CCI Fabrika will open the information and diplomatic mission STEIT ƏV NƏƱLÆND under the auspices of the Avenir Institute (London-Brussels-Berlin-Athens), the first event in the framework of the special program of the PolitPlanetarium. The PolitPlanetarium program will present selected projects dedicated to the artistic cartography of psycho-political in the context of growing communication networks, digitalization, virtualization and the evolution of bio-techno-linguistic control and management systems.