Suprapolitics & State(?)-after-State is a seminar structured around the analysis, deconstruction and experimentation with the alternative visions of the political imaginary design from the past, present and possible futures. It departs from the critical stand towards the design of the nation state and of the geopolitics as the artificially naturalised protocol of political organisation. What were the successful, but neglected models of the political design in the past that we can critically revisit in order to chart the paths towards better futures? What alternatives to ouroboros-‘everlasting present’ and the values like ‘political stability’ we can consider in the current state of politics? How the momentum of the groundbreaking political innovations such as the European Union can not only be sustained, but developed further in order to advance the political design towards new horizons of the values such as diversity, transparency, perpetual peace and productive shared action?
What can constitute State(?)-after-State? Within the framework of the seminar, we propose several innovative models for political thinking on the possible. Suprapolitics [Latin supra, “above”, and Greek πολιτικά, “affairs of the cities”] is a protocol of universal equality of all viable aethers as platforms for the political relations between political entities, including land (geopolitics), water (aquapolitics), air (aeropolitics) and vacuum (kenopolitics). Aether [Ancient Greek αἰθήρ, “upper air”] - the substance of specific physical properties, which can be used for platforming imaginary for the operational political systems and protocols of relations between political entities. Kosmoarchea [Greek κόσμος, “world, universe”, and Greek ἀρχή, “beginning, origin”] is the political infrastructure and operational system, which is based on several protocols of political relations, among which are suprapolitics, the checks of the Political and micro-political ecology.
The seminar and lectures has taken place in The Nationless Pavilion in the context of 56th Venice Biennale Arte “All The World’s Futures” (Venice, IT), Floating University (Berlin, DE), Political Science department at KU Leuven (Leuven, BE).
AVENIR INSTITUTE. “State(?)-after-State”, seminar, The Nationless Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale Art “All the World’s Futures”, Venice (IT), 2015